We're excited to host announce a new 5Rhythms class this autumn at Studio 52. You can join 5Rhythms certified teacher Christine Weedall, every Friday evening from 7.30 - 9pm.
5Rhythms is a guided movement practice, no set steps, just your unique authentic response.
The practice is done to an amazing mix of music and beats so you will find it hard to stay still. 5Rhythms is a non-judgmental practice that encourages us to connect with our own inner-dance and authentic movement. ALL are welcome — all ages, levels of fitness, those who love to dance and those who may feel more restricted.
Dates — October: 4,11,18,25 // November: 8,15,22,29 // December: 6,13,20
Investment — A Term Pass is £132 or you can simply purchase a £15 drop-in. (£10 low wage)
To book the Term Pass or a Drop-in Class — Whatsapp or call Christine directly mobile: 07906260779 or email: chrisweedall@hotmail.co.uk
To make payment — PayPal: chrisweedall@hotmail.com (Ref: HillStreet 5R's) or Christine can send on bank details.